Our brains are designed to access information that is easy first, but that’s not necessarily creative. So how do we give our brains the space to be creative and access ideas that aren’t as easy? How do we access information that’s harder to get at?

Quite often people don’t recognize their own creativity or problem-solving abilities. They think if it’s not absolutely original then it doesn’t really count.

In times of economic hardship, one way for individuals and organizations to survive is to be more innovative than their competitors. Innovation requires creativity, problem-solving, and insight to come up with new products, new solutions, or new markets.

One of the wonders of the human brain is its ability to come up with completely novel ideas. This does not just happen—as anyone who has sweated over coming up with a new idea will know. However, sometimes, we are all capable of moments of insight where an idea or a solution comes to us out of the blue. What is it that happens in the brain during these moments? And how can we create this type of original thinking when we need it most? Would you even know if you are creative? How?


Neuro-Effective™ Insights

Neuro-Effective™ Insight #4: Psychological Safety

Why are some teams great at creating innovative, new ideas while others seem unable to let go of the old? What conditions are necessary to increase team performance and creativity? Thanks to neuroscience, you can learn the difference that makes the difference in the brains of high-performing teams, the importance of psychological safety—and how to create it.

Neuro-Effective™ Insight #5: Types of Creativity

Many people who are creative don’t recognize how creative they really are. What we categorize as “creative” is really only a small subset of the ways in which our brains are continually creating. There is a danger that we pigeonhole creativity as being only one kind of activity. By learning more about the many ways in which our brains are creative, we can become better at recognizing our own creativity and expanding the ways in which we use this both personally, in teams, and in organizations.

In fact, there are many types of creativity. Through neuroscience, you can have access to more of your own creativity – which can allow it to ripple pretty much anywhere!

Neuro-Effective™ Insight #6: Metaphors

“Navigating stormy seas?”
“Climbing the career ladder?”
“Getting your ducks in a row?”

Metaphors are ubiquitous in our language at home, with friends, and in business.  They are extraordinarily important in the creative process. We know this because a huge part of our brain is used when we are speaking metaphorically. That tells us how important it is. Choosing the right kind of metaphor is, therefore, a powerful communication tool and way of increasing your influence.

With the help of applied neuroscience, you can become more adept at choosing the best metaphor for the job.

To read more, take a look at the other parts of this Neuro-Effective™ Insights series:


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